Hiking in the Hajar
5 days
To all hikers: go on hike lasting several days with a guide and take the time to admire the wonderfully preserved landscapes
Environment :
Mountain, wadi, sea, deser
Activities :
Hiking, swimming, culture
Accommodation :
Hotel, guesthouse
Hiking :
Niveau de difficulté de randonnée
Niveau 1Aucune difficulté. Balade facile et courte accessible à toute personne marchant occasionnellementNiveau 2Randonnée facile avec moins de 300 mètres de dénivelé sur un terrain ne présentant pas de grosse difficulté. Accessible à toute personne pratiquant la marche de façon régulièreNiveau 3Randonnée avec un dénivelé de 300 a 800 mètres. Accessible à toute personne pratiquant régulièrement la marche en montagne. Les randonnées avec un dénivelé inférieure et classées Niveau 3 présentent des difficultés de terrain
Included in the program :

Accommodation is indicative and subject to change depending on availability.
DAY 1 - Muscat - Wadi beni Awf, with beautiful landscapes / Balad Sayt Old village perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking the palm grove and various terraced crops. 5h walk.
Accommodation : Bait Bimah Guest-house. Nice and friendly place located in the heart of Wadi Bani Awf, near Snake Canyon and Balad Sayt. It is a rustic but charming refuge with dormitories and private rooms, and bathrooms with showers and hot water.
DAY 2 - Balad Sayt / Birkat (Al Sharaf alamayn) , Jabel Hajar Montain with splendid views over
the valley of Wadi Bani Awf. 6h walk
We take 4x4 to go to camping : Qiyut
DAY 3 - Qiyut / Jabal Akdhar - Jabal Akdhar ("the green mountain") is the central massif of the Hajar Mountains, an imposing mountain range that crosses the north of Oman. Its highest point is Jabal Shams, with an altitude of 3,075m. 6/7h walking
Accomodation : Ar Ruus campsite
DAY 4 - We take the 4x4 (15mn) to the start of the trek. Al Ma'awil (very small village) / Wadi Beni Habib, One of the famous wadis of Jabal Akhdar, it can be explored on foot. Surrounded by walnut trees and shrubs, it is also home to the abandoned village of Bani Habib, which welcomes visitors who enjoy trekking and exploring. 6/7h walk, Rose Villages, Small traditional villages that grow roses and pomegranates - (Sayq plateau).
Accomodation : Stone Guest house
DAY 5 - Sayq Plateau / Wadi Muaydin, impressive foothills: 4/5h walk. We take a 4WD to visit Birkat Al Mauz - a fortified village built in a staircase on the hillside. Some of its ochre houses have been restored and have beautiful carved wooden doors. A falaj runs through the village and feeds the surrounding palm groves at the starting point.
Accomodation : Muscat Ryam Hotel